Casting360 Modeling Agency

Casting360 Complaints and Reviews

Pricing issue

Many people told me I should be a model so I looked up jobs & notjced this one & called. They told me they had a promotion where I would only pay 1 fee of $50.00 & would get updated casting calls for a whole year, my portfolio would stay on there forever & the online acting class was free so I thought I'd go for it cause other places wanted hundreds up front. They only charged me that 1 time fee but I never got asked to do any modeling, acting, extras or commercials & was never even contacted by agencies. They always showed testimonials of people writing how they got calls within their 1st week of being on the site & not to judge, but I looked a *** of a lot better than a lot of those people, like those who were overweight & no skills or acting lessons & I never got anything. Those testimonials must have been from people that worked there that had fake portfolios to make people believe its a reliable company.

Country: Kuwait

Website: Null

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